1 Sailing away from Miami23456 Hike in Guatemala rain forest789 Rubber plantation1011 Suspension bridge in forest12 Bird islands1314151617 Mayan guide at Chacchoben, Mexico181920212223242526272829303132 Outside cafe on Marina33 Putting green34 Docked in Honduras3536 Heading to snorkeling reef37 Ready to go...38 ...back and happy!3940 Lunch...414243 ...and rum44 Heading back to the ship4546 Back to our suite47 Our fitness room4849 Jungle train - Costa Rica5051525354 Boat trip in same jungle5556575859606162 Christmas on Marina636465666768 Ships waiting at Panama Canal69 Boat trip on Lake Gatun7071 Small alligator727374 Harvest Caye, Belize7576777879 Key West8081 Conch train8283848586878889 Glass bottom boat trip909192939495 Sunset at Key West9697 Dressed for dinner!