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Canal Trip Diary
June 1998
Note that in addition to the diary, there is a spreadsheet (Canal Plan/Actual) which details the journey, miles and locks.
Saturday June 6.
Lunch at the Napton Bridge Inn with Tonys parents, Lisa, and Val. Got to the boatyard at 2:30. Picked up our narrow boat for two weeks-the "Perth" (60' long). Val, who owns a boat with her boyfriend Paul who lives in Edinburgh, Lisa and Cassie joined us from the Napton Bridge Pub to the top of the flight of locks. (9 of them) Tonys parents joined us from the boat yard to the Folly Bridge Inn (just before the first lock). At one lock Tony gave me the tiller and jumped off the boat so I could practice taking the boat through a lock (his idea not mine!) I did very well though. After the top lock we moored for the night and had wine, celery, olives, cheese and crackers that Val had bought earlier in the day. Lisa and Val then left. Bath, laundry, short sit-down and to bed at 10: 30. Hot during the day, cooling down in the evening. Moored near Priors Hardwick but could not get reservations at the Butchers Arms-would stop for lunch there on the return.
Sunday June 7.
Awoke at 4 a.m.! (Daylight already) got up at 7 30, breakfast and off for the day. Lots of sheep and lambs in the fields. The canal follows the contours for the first 4 miles, lots of curves but no locks. I had a very sound sleep for an hour or so. We started off wearing shorts and sandals, but it got colder and rained so change of clothing was required. Tonys parents drove to Fenny Compton where we had lunch; then drove to Claydon to see the Museum of Bygones-since it is the first Sunday of the month some of the steam engines were running. Back to the boat, stopped to get another canal guidebook as our Oxford one had disappeared yesterday. Then through the "Fenny Tunnel" area-very narrow-Tony hit another boat at the entrance!-not too hard, then got stuck in the mud!! Railway beside canal for a while. Fortunately we didn't meet any other boats in the 1000-yard narrow stretch. 9 locks this afternoon, stopping at
Cropredy for the night. Cheese and bread and biscuits, then walked into the village for a drink at a local pub. Couldn't get Canadian Grande Prix on TV.
Monday June 8.
Up at 8 a.m. (sore and stiff) off at 9 a.m. 3 locks to Banbury, then got water just before the Banbury lock. Someone was waiting for us so I hurried and fell in!! as I was putting the hose away and getting my lock key. Tony fortunately (for him) didn't rush to get the camera but rushed to pull me out instead. Then through the Banbury lock and footbridge that had to be held open-we were helped by the couple waiting for us. Then on other side of lock we moored-I changed and got dry, then into Banbury for pub lunch and food shopping at M&S. Drizzling. After lunch we did 4 locks including one where I slipped and fell down when opening a gate! Huge
bruise on my bottom Tony laughed when I sat on the ground at the lock! Rained all afternoon, gradually getting heavier. Stop at Aynho Wharf for the night and the rain stopped. Walked to the pub-not open at 6 p.m.; then back to boat. To pub again soon after 7 p.m.-now drizzling again. Back to the boat for a very welcome bath for me. Tony phoned his parents from the pub to arrange tomorrow-lunch at Lower Heyford.
Tuesday June 9.
Rain stopped in the night; very windy when we got up. Tony got up at 8:30 a.m. which basically forced me to get up! I managed to have one piece of bread before I had to jump off at the
Somerton lock - very difficult to hold onto the boat because of the wind and we needed to use spikes - I finally used the ones from the boat in front. Got help from a fellow from the next boat - 8 (4 men, 4 women) on their boat. This is the deepest lock on the canal system, over 12'. Just started to write this and 3 toots of the horn from Tony - clear away coffee cups and give him his map book. Hopefully a few minutes of peace and quiet now - Almost finished dishes when I got summoned again - he wanted my company! Two more locks then a stop at Upper Heyford to use a red phone box to get messages - 1 from Robbie. On a short way to Lower Heyford where we met Tony's parents and Cassie; The Bell didn't serve lunch so we drove to The Fox, a few miles away. Back to the boat and filled up our water tank. Afternoon - variable weather - sunny, then pouring with rain, then sunny, etc. Passed a golf course with golfers on tee (with umbrellas up!). Stopped for the night at Enslow. Supper at The Rock of Gibralter pub (in between rain showers).
Wednesday June 10.
Tony planned to play 9 holes of golf this morning (and I was going to have a good rest)); however it was raining so he read a book and I slept in. Off at 10:30 a.m., got water, shopped and had lunch at the
Boat inn at Thrupp. A few more locks and lift bridges in the afternoon and arrived at Oxford. - One "minor" problem - at the last lift bridge (Frenchcay(?) Bridge) I slipped and fell on my side in the mud and one of the handles of the bridge crashed into my right thigh - swollen, bruised and painful but I don't think broken! Moored quite close to the center of Oxford. Very little rain in the afternoon. Went for a walk to see the locks out of Oxford, then had appetizers at a pub in Oxford; sat outside near the Market Square.
Thursday June 11.
Raining when we woke up - drizzled off and on until mid-afternoon. Walked into Oxford, took a "Discover Oxford" bus tour - mostly on the top deck. When it started to rain in earnest we got off and took the film in for processing, then lunch at a convenient pub. Picked up photos, walked around the covered market and went to see "The Oxford Story", a ride on a schooldesk through various displays. Resumed the bus tour, then back to the boat for tea and warm sweaters, walked to the first Thames lock to check on getting a Thames license, then walked to Christchurch College, went to service in the Cathedral, then to a Thai restaurant for supper. A pleasant, cool evening.
Friday June 12.
Sunny and fairly warm today for a change. Off at 8 30 a.m., through the last lock on the Oxford canal, until we returned Saturday p.m. (there are lock keepers on the river Thames). We had planned to get water before the Osney lock but couldn't find the tap (I'm sure it was there yesterday when we walked past!) So we had to moor just before the lock, as it does not open until 9 a.m. (unless you want to open it yourself). I didn't secure the front line properly, so Tony had to come up and help, then he (and I helped) got to pole the stern away from a fast rushing weir! Went into the lock, got our Thames license for two days cruising. Through Sanford lock, then turned around just before Abingdon lock and got water. We then walked into
Abingdon for lunch, small shopping and general sightseeing. After lunch we headed back up the Thames, stopping at Binsey (The Perch pub) for the night. Went to the Perch for a drink to check it out, then back there later for supper. Spots of rain during our evening drink.Saturday June 13.
Raining early morning but stopped by 9 30 a.m. when we set off, stopped and moored near the Trout Inn where we had coffee, then lunch with Lisa and parents who had driven to meet us. Started raining during lunch and still raining when we started out for our afternoon of "cruising". Through a couple of Thames locks (with lock keepers!) And then back to reality! - the Oxford canal with do-it-yourself locks. Tony did the Kiddlington lock all by himself while I drove (not too well!) Tony first tried to open the second set of gates first . needs more training. We both did better on the next lock (it also had stopped raining). Stopped at Thrupp for the night. The last Thames lock keeper suggested that we come back again to go on the upper Thames-in the summer! Ate in tonight (after watching highlights of this morning's Trooping of the Color-Queens official birthday).
Sunday June 14.
Not raining (yet!) when we got up. Off at 9 30, through a lift bridge and filled up with water. Just after Pigeons lock we walked to Tackley for lunch at the Gardiner's Arms-roast lamb with two kinds of potatoes, and five other vegetables. Very muddy on some of the walk but the meal was good. Three more locks this afternoon-Tony still on locks forgot to close one of the paddles on the last gate of the last lock. And then wondered why the lock wasn't filling up! How embarrassing! There were four fellows waiting to come down who saw the whole thing too! Stopped for the night at Lower Heyford. Walked into the village to the Bell-a pub that only serves drinks on Sunday evenings so we had a drink and back to the boat for corned beef, baked beans and rich tea biscuits. Sunny and nice out now but towpath still muddy from the recent rain.
Monday June 15.
Up late, finished our books after breakfast. Set out for our walk at 1045 a.m. walked through Lower Heyford to
Rousham House to see its huge gardens-kept as they were centuries ago. Then walked to Steeple Aston looking for the Red Lion pub. We were just across from the White Lion when a woman in a car stopped to ask directions for the Red Lion. We asked a local fellow where it was and the lady then gave us a lift. Had lunch there-also found out the results of yesterday's world cup soccer games. Talked to the pub owner (for 26 years) and a local, then walked back to the boat through the village and fields. Some parts muddy as they were yesterday. One of our spikes had come out and sunk into the canal but the other two were still holding and the boat still there. It drizzled for a bit on a walk. Off again, through three locks and moored at Aynho Wharf (where we were last Monday). Had an ice cream at the store. Walked into Aynho (1 mile up hill) for supper, then walked back-much easier going downhill.Tuesday June 16.
Sunny and warm when we set off just before 9 a.m. Cool wind later during the morning and cloudy. Stopped at Banbury for lunch and photo developing. On to Cropredy for the night. Sunny this afternoon (a few drops of rain only) and warm at times. Supper at the Red Lion pub. Total of 9 locks today (me-1, Tony-8).
Wednesday June 17.
Drizzling all morning, sometimes heavier than others. Lazed around, went into Cropredy to look around, had coffee at a teahouse near the village green. The woman there recommended the Brasenose pub rather than the Red Lion. Met Tonys parents and Cassie at the Red Lion, Tony drove to the Brasenose, the rest of us walked-then had lunch there. Back onto boat and off for our 9 locks this afternoon. These locks came as a flight of four and a flight of five. Fortunately for Tony we met boats coming the opposite way so he only had to do half of some of the locks. Moored at Fenny Compton, it started pouring just as we arrived. Had the "all day breakfast" at The Wharf. Still drizzling.
Thursday June 18.
Raining, sometimes quite hard this morning so we lazed around for a few hours, got water and started to pack. Tony phoned the boat yard to check on returning the boat tomorrow rather than Saturday. Off soon after 11 a.m. on our "lock-less "day, unfortunately still raining so I couldn't sit outside and enjoy it as I had planned. Stopped at bridge 124 and walked through a couple of fields for lunch at the Butcher's Arms in Priors Hardwick. We had a 7 p.m. supper reservation so canceled that. The lunch was excellent. Walked back to the boat to discover we had lost another spike. A boat had moored in front of us and secured our boat to a canal siding. Now down to one spike. Not raining so we started off again, deciding to go through three locks today while it was dry. Stopped for a couple of hours to watch a football game, then decided to go through the rest of the locks-another 6.
NO MORE LOCKS. Drink and desert at Folly Inn, close to our final mooring.Friday June 19.
Not raining! Also warm! Breakfast, finished packing and then off just before 10 30 a.m. Swans were banging on the side of the boat to get fed-which Tony did. Got back to the boat yard at 11 a.m. Checked in the boat, got our stuff off and waited for Tonys parents to pick us up just before noon. Drove with them and Cassie to lunch at the Folly Inn at the bottom of the Napton locks-the pub would let Cassie inside. END OF "CRUISE "/ WORKING BOAT TRIP.
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